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chapter 247 : This pain won't go away.
Apr 18, 2010 | comment | 0 comment(s)

If he misses you, he’ll call just to hear your voice. If he wants you, he’ll say it. And if he cares, he’ll show it. If he has a thought about you, it will come out of his mouth. If you are on his mind non-stop, he will do anything he can just to see you.

If he truly likes you, he won’t let get anything in the way and fight back just to keep you in his arms. If not, he can’t be worth your time because you’re obviously not worth his.
- a friend.

Okay, seriously.. I'm not okay. Yes, I am not okay. Currently I'm having an issue with my own feeling. I keep asking to myself, "He loves me, he loves me not?" Cause seriously, I didn't see any hint that he wants me. Sometimes, he act like he cares and sometimes he act like hes not. I wish I was strong enough to ask him, "Do you really love me?" But I can't cause I'm too weak. Really weak. He made me to chase him and he left me hang on till I don't know! I really don't know! Only god knows what is the answer.

I wish I could read your mind..
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