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chapter #87 : stalker.
Jun 30, 2009 | comment | 0 comment(s)


whoo hoo!

that is the fact!
perasan enough?
im telling the truth la!

i think they sooooooo crazy over me.
dats y they stalk me like everyday? HAHAHA

well, beautiful people always get an attention LIKE ME!
i just born to be pretty?
dont be jealous, baby (:
face it. im more prettier than you.
you're just mix of mamak who got mr.bean's nose.

let me present..
the pathetic nurul hanishah and her cousin, nur aleeza ariff shah
they are my fans in malaysia. hahaha!
they like me. they stalk me. they crazy bout me!
its sokay my fans are FUGLEH. i dont mind (:

here is the conversation between the bitch and her cousin, slut (:

weh jp g aku add gf arep nnti die tau aku cousin ko lak.....xpe ke
ko add jer dia xpnah nmpak ko kan...dia tak tau punye...nnt klu dia dah approve ko g tau tau...
sha,,,farah idris rmai do.....die ltak pic pew......
pic dia kat laut ade matahari terbenam...ade tak???
k aku da add....nnti die da apprve aku g tau ko......
ok thankz....
sha.....bkn maen lg pic dowang.....xla cntek mane gf arep tuh....heeeee.....
eh canteq per...hahaha...tu lah bkn men lg...mse dia kat pd tu dia still kwn ngan aku lg tp dia tpu aku dia cakp dia blk kmp...kuang aja kan....ermmm biar lah enda...aku trme jer...

to the slut : kau jangan ingat aku x kenal kau siapa (: inot stupid, you asshole! hahaha. i know who you are. and mmg sengaja aku approve kau. why? cause i wanna show you my sweet, beautiful and lovely pictures! you said im not pretty, cause you're just jealous of me! hahaha.

to the bitch : i dont wanna stop you. KEEP STALKING, BABY! cause im not the one who gonna get heart broken. you're just makin me famous! tell the whole world bout me! cause you're just wasting your time. and i feel sorry for you. kesian kan? x ada orang nak? sampai minta orang lain carikan BOYFRIEND? hahaha. why? dah x laku ke? LOL!

im a good hacker. so, there's nothing you can hide from me (:

oh, there is one thing!
i got another conversation between the bitch and her friend, umi (:

weh ape kes ngan mamat tu??memanjang EL je
entah lah umi...aku malas nak ambk tau hal dia,dia ckp kat aku dia blk kmpg bapak dia sakit..abg dia cal aku,abg dia ckp dia g pd..hehe..biase lah dia tu mne pnah nak ckp bnde yg btol,,,sume cte dia cte tpu...haha...lantak dia lah nak wat pe pon..janji jgn kacau idup aku lg...kan2??
ada 1 malam tu dia ade ym kat aku.kire aku dapat online message la. aku pun lupa dia ym bile.dia cakap camni 'suka la ko pasni dah xkan jumpa aku lagi,aku dah xkan keje situ lagi,semuanya xadil'..
owh yea ker...mse ari last dia kat sni pon dia ckp gak ngan aku,,"aku dah tak lme kat cni,aku dah mls nak keje kat cni lg..."abg dia ckp kat aku dia dpt keje ngan farah(gf die)tat y dia bla mcm tu jer...Ahh,,,mcm mne nie??2 2 pon takut..hik2..tak brtgur lah smpai ble2 jawabnyer..hahaha,,mne ade bf..susah lah umi nak pcye kat laki skunk nie,,sakit yg lme pon tak ilang lg...lg pon aku msih tak le nak trme ape yg dah jd antre aku ngan mamat tu..aku still syang kat dia lg,aku pon tak tau nape aku still syg kat dia stlh dia wat mcm2 kat aku...biar je lah..nnt dah lme2 ok lah tu kan??wat mse nie aku xnak pikir pon psl bf2 nie...serabut pale otak aku...

my sayang pun famous jugak.
cause they keep talking bout him? haha.
macam-macam. LOL.

oh oh. i got some her status, the bitch's status.

"thinhking bout past story bout my life...."6 hours ago
Mood: sad

"y everyone always mad at me???im sooo sad..".at 9:49 PM Jun 28

"i i'll try not to rude to u...coz u r still in my heart..."at 11:15 AM Jun 25

the last one,
x boleh tahan! haha.
you know what?

she told me, she wanna engage end of this year.
then suddenly come "coz u r still in my heart..." status. haha.
pe ni cha? lu cite nak gempak la cha! hahaha.

i cant stop laughing la! hahaha
i cant stop thinking how stupid they are!


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